Energy Technology Innovation in Brazil


  • Nnaemeka Vincent Emodi Seoul National Univeristy
  • Zorig Bayaraa
  • Samson D. Yusuf


The Brazilian electricity sector has witnessed numerous technological changes and has evolved to become a global leader in clean technology sales, both to the domestic and foreign market. A lot of factors contributed to the innovative activities in its electricity sector which includes both government and FDI contribution. This paper reviewed the past and current technology innovation in the country’s electricity sector with some concentration on the patent, and research and development. Some advanced economy such as Korea, USA, Japan, Germany and France were also compared in reference to their patent data, policies and renewable energy attractiveness to identify the options that contributes to their innovative capability in renewable energy technologies. Some policy recommendations were provided in order to foster innovation in Brazil. Keywords: Brazil; Innovation; Technology; Electricity Sector; Renewable Energy JEL Classifications: Q28; Q50; Q55


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Author Biography

Nnaemeka Vincent Emodi, Seoul National Univeristy

M.Sc Candidate,  Department of Technology Management Economics and Policy Program,  College of Engineering. 




How to Cite

Emodi, N. V., Bayaraa, Z., & Yusuf, S. D. (2015). Energy Technology Innovation in Brazil. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 5(1), 263–287. Retrieved from


