Impact of New Renewable Electricity Generating Capacities on Employment in Ukraine in 2021-2030
The paper estimates the impact of pursuing two scenarios of new renewable electricity generating capacities installation in Ukraine. Under the first scenario, 21% of electricity from renewable energy sources is expected to be generated until 2030, which relatively reflects the current trend of installation of generating capacities, while under the second scenario this figure is expected to reach 30%. To assess the employment effect, the method of employment factors was used. Jobs considered in this methodology include those in equipment manufacturing, construction and installation, operation and maintenance, and fuel supply, which is the case for biomass technologies. Calculations indicate that under the first scenario, 27.5 thousand job-years could be created by 2030, and under the second scenario this figure could reach 50 thousand job-years. The development of renewables in Ukraine nowadays faces regulatory challenges, thus measures to overcome the existing barriers were suggested.Keywords: renewable energy, jobs, employment, UkraineJEL Classifications: O13, Q28, Q52DOI:
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How to Cite
Trypolska, G., Kryvda, O., Kurbatova, T., Andrushchenko, O., Suleymanov, C., & Brydun, Y. (2021). Impact of New Renewable Electricity Generating Capacities on Employment in Ukraine in 2021-2030. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 11(6), 98–105. Retrieved from