Mechanisms of Coordinated Distribution of the Effect from Export/Import Transactions


  • M. I. Geraskin
  • A. A. Ajupov
  • A. A. Kurilova


Economic mathematical model for coordinating economic interests of the regions (companies) and state budgets within the system of export/import transactions is developed. Nash equilibrium mechanisms for hierarchical and nonhierarchical coordination of effect distribution and mechanism of comprehensive coordination of export/import indicators are presented. The author has developed a two-sector model of export/import transactions and the optimal mechanisms for it. There has been carried out a simulation of coordination mechanisms for crude oil (Russia) and oil extraction equipment (Germany).Keywords: export, import, coordination model, effect distribution mechanism, hierarchical system, nonhierarchical system, Nash equilibrium.JEL Classifications: O150; E660; R130


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How to Cite

Geraskin, M. I., Ajupov, A. A., & Kurilova, A. A. (2016). Mechanisms of Coordinated Distribution of the Effect from Export/Import Transactions. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 6(8S), 280–287. Retrieved from
  • Abstract 137
  • PDF 154