Exchange Rate Volatility and U.S. Auto-Industry Exports: A Panel Cointegration Approach


  • Veysel Avsar Antalya International University
  • Kemal Turkcan Akdeniz University


Intermediate goods are often neglected in the empirical studies of the impact of exchange rate volatility on bilateral trade flows. Using import unit values of 58 motor vehicle products and 193 auto-parts, which are classified by the 10-digit level of Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS), this study examines the impact of exchange rate volatility on the U.S. automotive industry exports and imports (both motor-vehicle products and auto-parts) from 37 major trading partners for the period of 1996.01 to 2008.4 by using panel data cointegration techniques. We obtain substantial heterogeneity in terms of the impact of exchange rate volatility for final and intermediate goods. We also find support for the positive hypothesis that exchange rate volatility may lead to greater levels of trade. Keywords:  Exchange rate volatility; the U.S. auto-parts industry; Fragmentation; Panel econometrics      JEL Classifications: C33; F14; F31; F40


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Author Biographies

Veysel Avsar, Antalya International University

Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Economics

Kemal Turkcan, Akdeniz University

Associate ProfessorDepartment of Economics




How to Cite

Avsar, V., & Turkcan, K. (2013). Exchange Rate Volatility and U.S. Auto-Industry Exports: A Panel Cointegration Approach. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 3(4), 772–787. Retrieved from



  • Abstract 213
  • PDF 325