Labor Productivity, Demographic Traits and ICT A Demo-Tech Productivity Model for Asian Region


  • Bilal Mehmood
  • Parvez Azim GC University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Syed Hassan Raza
  • Huma Sohaib


This paper develops an innovative model to explain the labor productivity in Asian countries, most of which are labor surplus and are endowed with substantial human capital. Such encouraging demographic traits are considered as complementary factors to use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Population with labor having such favorable demographic traits and access to ICT results in higher labor productivity. Such is, here, termed as Demo-Tech Productivity Model and is tested by using data for 2000-2012 of 24 Asian countries. Econometric concerns like presence of endogenous and/or predetermined covariates and small time-series and cross-sectional dimensions of panel datasets are tackled by using System Generalized Method of Moments (SYS-GMM). Results show considerable support for the Demo-Tech Productivity hypothesis. Need is to design such models that suit the local demography and patterns of technological diffusion currently taking place in developing countries. Keywords: Labor Productivity; Information and Communication Technology (ICT); System Generalized Method of Moments (SYS-GMM); Human Development Index (HDI). JEL Classifications: C33; J24; O15; O33.


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Author Biographies

Bilal Mehmood

I have graduated the Master in Economics in 2003. I obtained an MPhil degree in 2006 in Economics from GC University, Lahore, Pakistan. My PhD is from GC University, Faisalabad. I hold Diploma in Information Technology from Punjab Information Technology Board, Pakistan. I am awarded of The Gold Standard of International Award for Young People, The Duke of Edinburgh Award. I am a participant of International Growth Centre (IGC) Pakistan, a policy consortium set up by the London School of Economics (LSE) and Oxford University. Currently, I am serving GC University, Lahore, Pakistan as a senior lecturer in Department of Economics. I have conducted and edited Survey projects with Punjab Small Industries Corporation under Government of The Punjab, Pakistan. I am the author of 39 articles and 2 books in the fields of ICT economics and knowledge economy. My research work is mainly empirical in nature and spans from primary data studies to secondary data studies. My work is published and forthcoming in Romanian Review of Social Sciences (RRSS), Oeconomics of Knowledge and Romanian Economic Journal (REJ), African Journal of Business Management, International Journal of Academic Research, Actual Problems of Economics, Economic and Business Review, Empirical Economics Letters, Forman Journal of Economic Studies, Zagreb International Review of Economics & Business, Romanian Economic Business Review, Informatica Economica, Academicia, Information Technology for Development, Information Technology and International Development and Panoeconomicus among others. I am also a member of Editorial Board of SAARJ Journals, India. My work includes the role of new factors of growth in development of UDCs. Other specific areas include Operations Research, Aviation economics, Port economics, Media economics, Gender economics, Digital economics and Knowledge economy among others.

Parvez Azim, GC University, Faisalabad, Pakistan

AZIM is Foreign Faculty Professor of Economics and a PhD in Economics from Taxas A&M University, USA. He is not only a known figure in the field of economics but also in the field of mathematical economics. His articles and books are well recognized in the comity of economic scientists. He is currently supervising PhD and MPhil theses. Previously he has served at Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad, Govt. College University Lahore, University of Gujrat, University of Sargodha, in the Ministry of Education Brunei Dar-us-Salam and on number of national and international projects. He is a member of editorial board of International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education USA.




How to Cite

Mehmood, B., Azim, P., Raza, S. H., & Sohaib, H. (2014). Labor Productivity, Demographic Traits and ICT A Demo-Tech Productivity Model for Asian Region. International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues, 4(4), 773–783. Retrieved from



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